1. Kaya ( Rich )

City of Syrup in the story, which tells the story Usopp merger, there was a girl child of a nobleman named "Kaya". kaya, as well as we know in Indonesian means "a lot of money", and in One Piece, Kaya is also depicted as a noble child who has a lot of money, as evidenced when Rich and Merry presented a pirate ship named the Straw Hats Going Merry is then regarded as one of the crew by the Straw Hat Pirates.
2. Mantra
Mantra is Indonesian. Indonesian dictionary (2001) interpret it as poetry berunsur wording (such as rhyme and rhythm) are thought to contain magical powers, usually uttered by the shaman or the handler to match the other supernatural powers. For the english own 'mantra' means 'Magic Formula', 'spell' or 'Incantation'. Mantra is only used in Indonesian.
3. Enel pants

At the heart of the story Skypiea, the Straw Hat Pirates have to fight a very strong opponent named Enel that consider themselves as gods.
so, is there among my friends who realize that Enel batik pants? If not, now I tell you. When viewed with great accuracy may not have as complex as batik motif, but of the color choices can be regarded as "representing" typical batik Pekalongan city in Central Java, Indonesia.
4. Southbird and Bird Tingang
Tingang or family of birds hornbills (Bucerotidae / Hornbill) is known by the indigenous Dayak tribes of Borneo, especially as the bird that has the elegance and beauty. This bird comes to inspiration from some of the movements or the name of the dance of Dayak communities in Kalimanatan in general. Well, Look at the resemblance to Southbird? Has two strange bumps on the head resembles a topknot, and a large beak. Similar.
5. Jaya - Irian Jaya
Jaya, the island with the shape of the skull is not such thing as too similar to Irian Jaya? Irian Jaya is on the island of Papua province, Indonesia with a shape like a bird. Oda Could it be from the idea of a story inspired skull-shaped island is split in two? Never forget that the island is now divided into two Irian, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

In Big Indonesian Dictionary, Jaya means "always succeed; success; great". This is implied by the perfect in One Piece where Jaya island said to be the island that has a city of gold. In the story flasback Skypiea Arc, Norland Lyneel told the King about a 'mountain' Gold found on the island of Jaya. Upon their return there was gold had disappeared.
Whether coincidence or not, in the history of Indonesia Irian Jaya has precisely the Mount of gold as the world's Largest Gold Mine, Mount Ersberg. The mountain is abundant gold, even before the gold can be found on the surface of the soil without digging. In its history (until now) is controlled by the Freeport mine from the United States. Even the term "United States" was built by gold Papua (please Google searches). In the story, the Golden tribe Shandia also exploited by Enel to build Maxime.
6. Headquarters of the Flying Fish Riders
Before entering the story on the island of the Archipelago, the Straw Hat Pirates meeting with a group of kidnappers called the Flying Fish Riders who use fly fishing as the vehicle and has headquarters in the middle of the sea.

The houses at the headquarters of the Flying Fish Rider uses the concept of traditional house from Nias, North Sumatra. And for the design of this house are very similar, complete with an open window in the roof.
7. Tropical Hotel on the island of Jaya

Tropical Hotel in One Piece is a hotel located on the island of Jaya. the name of "tropical" is synonymous with Indonesia. And when I was searching on Google turned out to have Tropical Hotel in Bali. The concept is somewhat similar though not exactly similar.
8. Arlong Park

If we catch a glimpse of the gate of Arlong Park looks like a temple in Bali : D
9. Ussop Weapons

In a story on the Island of Man Fish, had shown how Usopp took out one of the "Green Pop" when its use raises interest "Rafflesia".
Rafflesia flower is a flower endemic to the island of Sumatra since the type is only grown in Bengkulu, Jambi and South Sumatra. This flower is a foul odor, and because it is so often equated with carrion flowers, whereas flower Rafflesia and carrion flowers are two different flowers.
10. Sabaody Archipelago

Archipelago Archipelago touted as the Mangrove forest (mangrove), the largest in the world of One Piece. Do you know where the population is the largest mangrove in the real world? Exactly, in Indonesia.
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