Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Top 10 Games to Look Forward to in 2012

2011 has been a great year for gamers. We have a lot of good games to look forward to over the next few months. 2012 isn’t that far from now so I’ve compiled a list of games that are on my radar for that year. All of these games are confirmed to be released sometime in 2012. These games prove 2012 will also be a great year for gamers.
So without further waiting, here goes the list of games… but remember this list is just a matter of opinion, your’s might completely differ from this one, so don’t hesitate to voice your opinion in the comments section. We always love to hear from the community.

10. The Last Guardian

I don’t need to elaborate on how much people loved Ico and Shadow of the Colossus. So it’s no surprise that pretty much all of those fans are looking forward to this game. Did you know Team Ico’s development team consists of under 50 members? That explains the development cycle between games.

9. Metal Gear Solid: Rising

I can’t say too much about the game since there is barely any information. At times I wondered if this game was going to get cancelled or not. But the hack n slash action of Metal Gear Solid Rising is what caught my attention. Players will be able to cut anything. There will be a bullet time in which players will be able to cut their enemies multiple times. What about stealth? Well, it has been confirmed that player’s will be able to go through the entire game without killing a single human.

8. Sly Cooper: Thieves in time

This is one of my favorite franchise so it makes sense that this game be on my list. Sly 4 will follow the end of Sly 3 has the gang goes out to retrieve the Thievius Raccoonus which has been lost in time due to Bentley’s time machine.

7. Twisted Metal

Twisted Metal was supposed to come out in early October but was delayed to valentines day 2012. This is probably the game to look forward to the most when it comes to reckless fun and destruction. Aside from car combat, air combat makes its first appearance in the Twisted Metal games.

6. Far Cry 3

I wasn’t really fond of Far Cry 1 or 2. But Far Cry 3 does look intense enough to stay on my Radar. You play a guy named Jason Brody who is tasked with looking for his girlfriend and escaping a tropical island which is currently occupied by a bunch of crazy locals. The developer team mentioned that sense of realism will be envoked in this game to make players feel intense throughout the journey.

5. Dragon’s Dogma

This probably is the RPG I am looking forward to the most. I’m not keen on the story, but this game has enough variety and other innovative gameplay elements to keep me interested. My only concern is that CAPCOM is developing and publishing this game.

4. Inversion

Inversion is a Third-Person Shooter with an interesting concept. Aside from your staple TPS mechanics, players will be able to manipulate gravity to their advantage. The game will also have coop and destructible environments.

3. Bioshock Infinite

This is probably the only First-Person Shooter I will buy in 2012. Bioshock infinite is a prequel to the first Bioshock. You play a guy name Booker who is attempting to rescue a woman named Elizabeth. The setting is really unique. It takes place in a city named columbia which is hovering in the sky. The demo to Bioshock Infinite is definitely one of the best I’ve ever seen in a long time.

2. Starhawk

I am not going to lie. I only played a small portion of Warhawk. I got owned when trying to do so. But Starhawk looks very intriguing. It is like a spiritual successor to Warhawk. You play Emmet Graves, a gunslinger who is out to fight these mutants known as the outcast. Starhawk will have space battles, transforming mechs and a RTS element known as build and battle which will allow players to drop structures such as armories and bunkers.

1. Mass Effect 3

Currently, my most anticipated game for 2012, Mass Effect 3 is the final installment for Commander Shephard’s story as he has to unite the races of the galaxy to fight the reapers. Along the way he has to deal with decisions that could potentially destroy entire colonies and Cerberus trying to sabotage him. We will also get some kind of closure for every character and it looks like elements from both ME1 and ME2 will return with new additions such as weapon customization, XP, new combat maneuvers, exploration, etc. This has all been confirmed.
There you have it folks, list of games that we look forward to most in 2012. What about your most anticipated games of 2012? Let us know in the comments section.

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